Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The 80% Man

Just as men seek the Ideal Woman, women too look for the Perfect Man (the 200% Man?) that we tend to put our 'Idol' on a pedestal, hoping that he or she would love us 'warts and all' and save themselves for us while we sow our wild oats/eggs.
I have however learned not put anyone on a pedestal anymore, having been disenchanted, disillusioned and dissapointed too many times before - expected to love unconditionally while being loved conditionally (there's no gender equity in love, only double standards!)
Too often I expected a man to be a saint, then I'm let down again by the fact that their libidos and vindictiveness almost always prevail over their sensibilities, that they would rather cut their nose to spite their face rather than 'lose face' i.e. abstain (which surprise, surprise is often abetted by none other than other females, who had internalised the pecking order or knowing which side your bread is buttered).
The point is since most men are more or less the same (just a matter of degree in terms of being perverse, immature, obnoxious, i.e. annoying, aka Peter Pans and the Lost Boys), the least I would expect is to be treated with respect (even if some girls/women don't mind being treated badly), not like chattles thru the turnstile or revolving door, but as ladies to be wooed and won thru old-fashioned good manners and courtesy (speak, and you'll be spoken to/for), if not gallantry and valiance (slaying the dragon and laying your cape down to cover the puddle would be nice).
I know that I should be grateful when Allah sends someone who offers security and comfort, but it'll be nice if he could restore my faith in male chivalry and courage. Don't we want it all? Ingrates, ingrates! Failing that, I just have to stop pontificating from my pulpit (or I'll be left on the shelf forever - scary scenario of total eclipse of the heart*) and put in my 20% share of 'work' la (Egotistical Lazy Bum!)
*(Actually, I had a bad dream of being attacked by an unidentified woman)
To strecth the self-indulgence to the max, here's my daily horoscope to share with whoever shares my birthdate/zodiac sign:
Friday, April 28:
Your instincts are flawless, so don't hesitate to follow up on a hunch or obey your gut when it comes to making a decision. It may seem wacky and wild to someone else, but you know that your choices make sense.
(Basic instinct wins - go home and shower, avoid danger)
Saturday, April 29:You and that certain someone can become even closer if you share your secret dream. They could actually have some innovative ideas and insight on how to make your fantasy become a reality.
(Reality - gotta accompany NYI to settle friend's accident case in BG)
Sunday, April 30:Face it -- you care a lot more about this person than you've been letting on. How can you figure out what to do next if you don't know what's going on now? The worst kinds of lies, after all, are the ones you tell yourself.
(Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, no no no u can't disguise - while NYI treats me to facial at spa in MK)
Monday, May 1:If you don't love yourself, who will? If you don't respect yourself, why should anyone else? Think about ways to develop your personal power that don't rely on outside indicators. Your resources lie within.
(Yeah, right, and my bank balance is ... arrgh!)


Vegie said...

Worry not, the right guy has not found you yet. Checked out your horoscope for you Ms.Sagi : In romance, take a step forward and look at the big picture. Positive colours are sage green and ginger. Lucky numbers are 15 and 33.

BaitiBadarudin said...

Worry yes, coz I'm the Lost Gal who's too lazy to pursue the Right Guy.
Gotta check the positive colours, real fast, time is really running out.
To quote a friend: "Play hard to get, and you'll not be gotten!"