Thursday, April 20, 2006

For Posterity

Here's a msg from the facilitators e-group; anyone keen to see their quotes and names in print, do mail to eric:
Hi everyone,
Would you like to share your experiences and have your name print?
I'm compiling a book called "The Best Advice I Ever Had..." and would love to receive contributions from the members of this discussion group.All you have to do is send me your answer to the question: "What's the best advice you've ever had?" in the context of your personal career development.The format I need is for the piece of advice as a one-liner and then an explanation of who or where the advice came from and why it meant so much to you.
An example of a good one-liner is Richard Branson's answer: "Make a fool of yourself". Or Lee Capps' answer: "Work like you don't need the money; love like you've never been hurt; and dance like no one's watching" (my favourite so far, that).Once I've compiled enough interesting and worthwhile replies, I'll put the book together and, if you've contributed, send you a free copy. Just email your answers to me at or along with some personal details such as name, email address, and professional background.Thanks in advance. Do it now while you're inspired. All ideas accepted and considered and appreciated.
Best wishes,
Eric Garner
Manage, to get it right
Train, to stay on top
Learn, to be a success.

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