Just returned from GH - the 'affordable' holiday destination, the 'no-theme' theme park that showcases mass culture at its gaudiest and most garish. Where else can u get to see stone mermaids and sea horses in a 'romantic love' canal with mechanical gondolas while kids scream from the roller coaster rides above? Statues of Oscar and Liberty flanking a stage for a Chuck E. Cheese band? Or a 'pontianak harum sm" (spirit) guarding a big tree with a man on an electric chair inside? The effect is simply bizarre and overwhelming.
The Olive restaurant seems to be the only oasis or island of serenity and sophistication in a sea of catatonic sounds and sights.
Step outside, and you'll be bombarded with the most 'loud' and 'chinky' hotel facades in the whole wide world, I believe. I wonder if the resort designers ever heard of the word concept or branding in achieving that unique 'look and feel'? Give me CH or FH for a quiet get-away any time!
Being away and distancing myself from 'unresolved' issues had been good in terms of putting events of the last three years in proper perspective and understanding complex behavior, i.e. the discrepancy between public persona and the private self. Why waste all that precious energy, time and money in manipulating people to go to you when all it takes is to just ask. Like ur PS said: "Life is short, you should learn to enjoy", so isn't it high time we enjoy some quality time together?
I really don't wish for anyone to indulge in self-destructive behavior like Kurt Cobain in "Heavier than Heaven" which caused so much pain to family and friends.
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