Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Go Blue N Green

Trying to assuage your guilt at leaving carbon footprints and accumulating carbon credit by posting a "cut and paste(d)" piece, eh?
Well, I am also trying hard at separating the garbage, recycling, taking my shopping bag and declining the plastics whenever I can.
Things I'd like to do next would be to start a compost heap, an herbal garden and an organic farm (Don't pray, pray; I will get to that soon enough!)
So here's somethin' from
This Earth Day brings much welcomed coverage by the mainstream press of the environment with cover stories in TIME (see below).

The cover story, written by Bryan Walsh, is a call-to-arms, making the case that the U.S. can no longer afford to sit out the fight against global warming. The piece outlines a number of important steps in the battle against global warming, including establishing an effective cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions, tougher energy-efficiency mandates and significant new investment in green technologies.
Click here to read the full story

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